Sunday, January 01, 2012

Hello 2012, Good Riddance 2011!

Ok, I've been bugged to get this done.

Here's a review of the resolutions of 2011. It hasn't been a fantastic year for me honestly, so I'm hoping for a better year ahead. All things being equal, it wasn't a terrible year, but yet it didn't feel like it was all that good either. Bring on the Dragon!!!

Here's last year's review.

And here's this year's review.

#1 Exercise at least twice a week FAIL
Big failure, this one. If you've been following my blog, I've only chalked up four gym sessions all season, and I'm struggling to make it for weekend soccer once a month even. To make matters worse, my cholesterol levels are through the roof. It can't get any worse, really. So this must improve.

#2 Double my total 2010 savings FAIL
This, perhaps was the biggest contributor to why I thought my 2011 was crap. From an investment perspective, I not only didn't add to my savings, but it dropped significantly too. Very disappointed, but without going into details, I'm hoping things pick up in 2012.

#3 Achieve overall >20% ROI FAIL
This is a non-starter when you look at #2. Not worth a mention at all.

#4 Watch son grow up PASS
I'm not sure how to tangibly measure this, but I assume that when I decided on this resolution, it was more about time management and going out less. For that I think I've passed. More importantly, I've seen myself mature over the year making the various sacrifices for my family. And it's all been worthwhile.

#5 Continue nurturing existing friendship circle PASS
This one I think I have also achieved. I think I've had more meet ups, gatherings and catch ups than in 2010. Hopefully this continues to improve. Good friends and bonds are, after all, pretty difficult to foster once we are above a certain age.

A very happy 2012 to everyone!

Resolutions for 2012 coming up next!

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